So after an early night in bed we were up at a reasonable time, well reasonable enough to be at the bottom of the track at 8am. There is a certain satisfaction in being the first to the best view for miles. It's an interesting little hill mind you-much steeper than it looks-not being very hill fit (well not at all) and consequently I would feel this hill in my legs for days after.
Well if you're reading this you may well have already heard of Tasmania and Wineglass Bay-it is beautiful but then all the beaches are-maybe because there were so many more people here than any of the others we'd been to it didn't impress as much. It is still quite superb with the perfect half moon carved out. But equally lovely on the other side is Hazards Beach you ca just see above to the right hand side of the picture.
After completing the Mt Amos track we re-applied the suncream before heading off on the Wineglass Lookout and Hazards track walk (11kms). The track up to the lookout is the most amazing path (with very arty seats) I've ever seen in a National Park. They seem to have decided that if they were going to do it at all they were only going to do it once and it was going to last forever. It is a fantastic piece of building work which fits in beautifully. Lord alone knows how long it would have taken.
Once you head down towards the beach from the lookout the crowds (okay there were maybe 20 people) thinned out a little and it's a great place to have lunch. Once beyond the Wineglass beach though things thin out even further...