Wednesday, August 23, 2006

DAY 17: Franz Josef to Fox

This may be only 20kms on the map but it’s a healthy half and hour in a 1973 combi van. This glacier is very different in character and the valley it funnels through is extremely unstable looking in a ‘I know why they don’t tar the roads round here’ sort of way. Huge debris flows, and no stopping signs on one section for pedestrians on the way to the face! Oh and keas the smartest, funniest birds around and you shouldn't feed them.

We also did the Chalet Lookout Track which gets you above the glacier and at the terminus as it was in the 1830s (I think). Paul went fossicking here too! You can also get down to Gillespies Beach from here which was mined for its gold. it’s a great place to get rid of cobwebs as it’s really blowy this side of the island. Stayed in the Rainforest Motel for the night which was fine and ate in the excellent Neve Café-there aren’t many eateries in town but this one is great and very busy by the way so book ahead if you can. Fox is even smaller than Franz Josef.

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