Up early to drive to Glenorchy at the head of the Lake where we met our horses. Paul had a Clydesdale called Dam (15 hands!) and I had a chestnut called Sledge. We wandered down the Dart River with our horses and gained a new respect for anyone who could ride! This is serious Lord of the Rings territory and nearly everyone around the place was involved in some way or another and there are some great stories to be heard http://www.dartstables.com/ . This was for the whole morning. We latched on, by luck, to the Dart River Safaris for the afternoon fun http://www.dartriverjet.co.nz/ . These boats are the business. They can travel on around 6inches of water and can turn on a dime which makes for an interesting ride in the hands of professionals. The equivalent of handbrake turns gets everyone wet! You can take these rides further down river in town where the ride is maybe more exhilarating but the scenery doesn’t come close to what they’ve got in Glenorchy and around Dart and Rees Rivers. There’s also a 4 wheel drive bus tour with these guys through some of the Lord of the Rings hotspots and some useful local info on flora and fauna.
Found another good restaurant in town ‘Finz’ down by the wharf (BYO) for a good fish and chip supper.
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